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Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Pathology of the Locomotor Apparatus – Rivista di Patologia dell’Apparato Locomotore is the official journal of the Società Italiana di Patologia dell’Apparato Locomotore (S.I.P.A.L.) . It publishes original articles which are found to contribute to a better knowledge of the structure, function, and pathology of the locomotor apparatus. The policy of the Società is one of interdisciplinary cooperation.

To submit a manuscript email us just 3 steps:

1. Cover letter (a brief presentation of the study).

2. Manuscript (including abstract, introduction, matherials and methods, Statistic analysis and results, discussion and conclusion,

tables with captions, figures with captions).

3. Signed statement.


Manuscripts should be submitted via email to

1. Name and address of the Clinic or Institute to which the Authors belong;

2. Title of the article in English;

3. Full name(s) and signature(s) of Contributors);

4. Full name, address and telephone number of the Author to whom all correspondence and proofs shoul be sent;

5. Condensed title of five words or less in English;

6. Brief but substantive abstract in English (250 words or less); the editorial board will add a free abstract translation into italian;

7. References;

8. The first Author should indicate the email address where he wish to receive the proofs of the article.


Illustrations should be of good quality and submitted in Jpeg (300 dpi). They should be numbered and can contain the figure legends.


– References should be numbered consecutively in unbracketed superscripts where they occur in the text, tables,

etc, and listed numerically (e.g. “1”, “2”) at the end of the paper under the heading “References”.

– For Original Research papers, no more than four references should be used to support a specific point in the text.

– All authors should be listed where there are three or fewer.

– Book and journal titles should be in italics.

– Footnotes are unacceptable.

– Book references:

Last name and initials of author, chapter title, chapter number, italicised title of book, edition (if applicable), editor,

translator (if applicable), place of publication, publisher, year of publication.


MERLE M, DAUTEL G: Les rèmplantations digitales. In: La main traumatique. 2a ed. Masson, Paris-Milan-Barcelone.1997;1: 319-350.

– Journal references:

Last name and initials of principal author followed by last name(s) and initials of co-author(s), title of article (with first word only starting in capitals), abbreviated and italicised title of journal, year, volume (with issue number in parenthesis if applicable), inclusive pages. For guidance on abbreviations of journal titles, see Index Medicus at


Turker T, Thirkannad S. Trapezio-metacarpal arthritis: The price of an opposable thumb!. Indian J Plast Surg. 2011;

44(2): 308–316. – Internet references should be as follows:

FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE VOLLEYBALL,2008 data, Available at: accessed 29 March 2009.


– Tables should be part of the text file, placed on separate sheets (one to each page) after the References section. Do not use vertical lines.

– Each table should be numbered (Arabic) and have a title above. Legends and explanatory notes should be placed below the table.

– Abbreviations used in the table follow the legend in alphabetic order.

– Lower case letter superscripts beginning with “a” and following in alphabetic order are used for notations of within group and between-group statistical probabilities.

– Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data should not be duplicated in the text or illustrations.


Structural formulae, flow-diagrams and complex mathematical expressions are expensive to print and should be kept to a minimum.

– Present simple formulae in the line of normal text, where possible. Use a slash (/) for simple fractions rather than a built up fraction. Do not use italics for variables.

– In statistical analyses, 95% confidence intervals should be used, where appropriate. Experimental design should be concisely described and results summarised by reporting means, standard deviations (SD) or standard errors (SE) and the number of observations. Statistical tests and associatedconfidence intervals for differences or p-values should also be reported when comparisons are made. Only use normal text for statistical terms: do not use bold, italics or underlined text.


– Following are some examples of the Journal style in the most basic cases and some general SI unit guidelines.

– Mass: 10 g, 3 kg

– Temperature: 30 °C

– Distance: 10 cm, 4 m, 20 kmv

– Time: 10 s, 20 min, 2 hr, 5 wk, 1 y

– Power: 10 W

– Energy: 300 J, 10 kJ.

– The centigrade scale (°C) and the metric units (SI) must be used, except in the case of heart rate (beats per min: bpm), blood pressure (mmHg) and gas pressure (mmHg). – When opening a sentence, numbers should be expressed in words, e.g.: Forty-two patients were contacted by phone. – The 24-hour clock should be used.


Manuscripts should be accompanied by the following statement, signed by all Authors: “The undersigned Authors transfer the ownership of copyright to the Journal of pathology of the locomotor apparatus. Rivista di Patologia dell’Apparato Locomotore should their work be published in this journal. They attest that the article is an original, not yet published or about to be published in another journal. They also attest that the research reported in the article was undertaken in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration and the International Principles governing research on animals”.


The Scientific Committee of the Rivista reserves the right to accept or reject each manuscript received. The journal is published semiannually and the yearly subscription fee is of Euro 25,00. Members of the Società Italiana di Patologia dell’Apparato Locomotore will receive a subscription to the journal as a membership benefit. For inquiries about subscription, reprint requests and other related matters, please contact:

The Journal is not to be held responsible for damages or losses of manuscripts or illustrations, so it is advisable for the author to keep a copy of them. Corrected proofs should be sent back to

No part of the journal may be reproduced without written permission from the Publisher and from the journal’s Director.